Have you ever purchased beauty products from Amazon? Don’t get me wrong, I love Amazon and think prime delivery is genius! However, when it comes to beauty, there is a lot of trial and even more error when opting for a site like Amazon. First, you don’t know how the products have … [Read more...]
5 Beauty Tools To Try ft. Facial Rollers, NuFace Micro-Current, Foreo Luna, Beauty Blenders and Dry Brushes
I’m not a proponent of beauty tools, mainly as I personally have a tough time staying consistent with their use. But in the ebb and flow of beauty blogging tides, I’ve had my fair share of trying one too many devices over the years. And I have found not one, but 5 beauty tools … [Read more...]
Dry Brushing: Should You or Shouldn’t You?
We all know about and hopefully brush our hair and our teeth on a daily basis. We recognize the importance of these daily habits and everyone agrees on their health benefits, no questions asked. But skin brushing? Really? Well, start a conversation about skincare and wellness … [Read more...]