If there is one task I dread more than removing my makeup every night, it’s that of cleaning my makeup brushes. It’s a laborious undertaking that I try to escape and put off as much as I can, until evading such process is no longer an option. With so much innovation at our … [Read more...]
Maya Chia Wonder Balm…The Best Balm You’ll Ever Meet
A quick surveillance of the contents of my makeup shelves will reveal a seemingly endless number of lipstick options. For some (my husband), this is a nightmare or a horder’s nest (in my defense, most of them are neatly stored in organizers). For others (me) this is heaven and … [Read more...]
Mask Madness: Caudalie, Boscia and Tata Harper
When it comes to taking care of my skin and being comfortable in my own skin (literally), I’ve come a long way. I understand the importance of a wholesome routine that includes cleansing the skin (see my Cleansing Routine here), prepping it by applying a toner, followed by a … [Read more...]
Makeup Brushes That Make a Difference
One of the first things I quickly learned when I discovered the wonderful and colorful world of makeup is that the tools you use make a big difference. Not all makeup brushes are created equal when it comes to product application and final results, aka that flawless catwalk look … [Read more...]
My Skincare Secrets: The Cleansing Edition
I have yet to meet a girl who says No to make up and I love makeup as much as every other girl. I love the pretty packaging, the beautiful array of colors, the alluring promise of a better look and the higher sense of self which comes with it. Yes, we all fall for it. Inner … [Read more...]