I’m not a proponent of skincare devices mainly as I personally have a tough time staying consistent with their use. I cannot event begin to tell you how many times I gave into the hype, purchased the latest and greatest, only to have it sit prettily in my drawer. But if there is one beauty tool that has completely changed the game for me and that I have used consistently and almost daily for about two years now that is my facial roller. I currently own two of these, one made from genuine Jade stone and the other from genuine Rose Quartz crystal. Are they all that different and do you really need both? I decided to put them to the test. Enter the Battle of the Facial Rollers: Jade vs. Rose Quartz.
I initially started with the popular Jade Roller which was an inexpensive purchase from Amazon (see here). The price was so attractive that I decided to give it a go. I began to notice a difference in my skin within days and missed how my skin felt on those mornings when I skipped rolling the night before. You can read about my experience using a Jade Roller, what it is, how it works, what is expected and benefits, here. I then decided to read up further on the topic of facial rollers and thus came to discover the Rose Quartz crystal roller which I’ll be discussing in more detail and in comparison to the Jade Roller, in this post.
I introduced the Rose Quartz roller in my skincare routine this past summer. The Rose Quartz was a bit of an investment, see here. But since I use a facial roller almost daily, I figured the cost per use justifies the heftier price. When I started mentioning that I was using a rose quartz roller, I was shocked by the response. So many of you wanted to know more, how it compared to the popular Jade Roller and if it was worth the investment.
How do you use your facial rollers and how often?
I use both facial rollers in the same manner, using the massage technique described in detail in a previous post here. I use them interchangeably and I like to alternate. Some nights I reach for my Jade Roller, other nights I switch it up and use the Rose Quartz one. Personally, I use a facial roller in the evening time almost every night, unless I’m utterly exhausted and stick to the bare necessities. I probably use my facial rollers on average about 5 times a week. I love how invigorated, plump and re-energized my skin is in the morning following rolling the night before. Sometimes I opt to use a roller in the morning if I happen to wake up with big bags under my eyes, as rolling works wonders at depuffing.
What products do you use with your facial rollers?
Both rollers can be used to massage masks, serums, moisturizers and facial oils deep into the skin for better absorption. I have primarily used my rollers with facial oils and sheet masks. I like to push and press the oil into the skin using my fingers and then massage it all in with the roller. Similarly, on those nights when I opt for a sheet mask, I start by applying the sheet mask all over the face and then gently going over with the roller.
Have you noticed any differences between the Jade stone roller and the Rose Quartz crystal one?
If I’m perfectly honest, I have not noticed any differences in terms of how my skin feels or looks from using the Jade stone roller versus the Rose Quartz crystal one.
Of course, there are physical and intrinsic differences related to the type of material, stone vs. crystal. In terms of physical differences and considering the different design of each roller, I find the Rose Quartz more substantial and a little heftier in terms of how it feels in the hand. It also seems to maintain the coolness sensation a little longer than the Jade roller. But none of these qualities appear to contribute to a visible difference in how my skin looks and feels.
Each type of material is believed to have intrinsic qualities. For instance, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jade is known to help relax the nervous system and eliminate toxins from the skin. It is believed that jade carries a healing energy that can help balance your own inner energies and bring about a sense of harmony and balance. Read more in my previous post here. Ancient Egyptians believed that Rose Quartz crystals had anti-aging properties. It is thought that Goddess Isis would gather rose quartz crystals by the Nile River and use them to keep her skin clear and wrinkle-free. These beautiful soft pink crystals are also commonly known for their powerful vibrations to heal the heart from sentiments of lost love, anger, resentment and jealousy. Rose Quartz is believed to also lower stress, raise self-esteem, restore confidence and balance emotions. The Rose Quartz crystal is packed of minerals (including magnesium, iron and oxygen) that help reduce inflammation and support renewal of skin cells.
What results have you seen?
Both rollers work to bring oxygen to the skin, increase circulation and blood flow, help with the detoxification function, tone up facial muscles, and aid in the absorption of skincare products. The skin is instantly rejuvenated, energized and with a natural healthy-looking glow. Consistent use of a facial roller has left my skin feeling firmer, smoother and looking clearer, while working wonders on my under eye puffiness and dark circles.
Which of these two rollers would you recommend?
Both rollers are excellent tools that I have enjoyed using. Given my overall experience and price points, the roller I have recommended the most is the Jade one. You simply can’t beat the price. I also prefer the design of the Jade roller. It comes with a smaller roller at one end and which you can use on the under-eyes. I don’t typically use the smaller side, but I find it helps better position the roller into the palm of my hand. The Jade roller is more affordable, feels lighter, and sits better into the hand. Win win win!
Have you tried any of these facial rollers yet? What has your experience with rolling been like? Please share in the comments below.
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What a beautiful and educational post 💖 I thoroughly enjoyed and I feel so much more educated on both of them to be able to make a decision on which I would want – or both!! You’re an impeccable writer and resource 🌟
Thank you so much! Your comment made my day! So so glad you’re enjoying my posts and find them helpful! ~ Cat L.
This is so interesting! I haven’t seen these before and I haven’t come across the topic. Now, I’m really intrigued especially since you noticed a difference with using the rolling. This little Santa who stuffs her own stocking may just put a little roller in there for herself this year. Great post!
In my experience, there’s definitely a benefit from using a facial roller. I find that my skincare products absorb better and as a result, makeup looks better too. The Jade roller is inexpensive, I highly recommend trying it. ~ Cat L.
Great article! I just had a facial and the esthetician used a rose quartz roller, explaining the benefits. I absolutely loved the way it felt and knew I’d want to own one. She told me she got hers at TJ Maxx for $10, and I was lucky enough to find one there! Such a deal!! I think it’s worth it, no matter the cost.
Yes, I totally agree with you. I’ve been using my facial roller for a few years now and it’s made such a difference. And sounds like the one you found is not a deal, but a steal!!! Lucky you! Enjoy it. Thank you for reading the post and taking the time to leave a comment. ~ Cat L.
This was so informative! I think I’ll be including a jade roller in my regimens soon. Thanks
I highly recommend the Jade roller. Hope you get a chance to try it and hope you enjoy it as much as I have! ~ Cat L.
I was curious about these products and thank you for the detailed post on how these work and the results you get from using them. And yes, the jade roller is so affordable, I will order one asap! x
Thank you for stopping by! So glad you found the post helpful! Hope you enjoy using the Jade Roller as much as I do! ~ Cat L.
I have never tried such a product, but it looks amazing.
X Merel
I highly recommend trying a Jade Roller if you get a chance. Thank you for stopping by! ~ Cat L.
I was debating between the two myself. I will definitely be going for the Jade roller now 🙂 x
Thank you for stopping by. So glad you found the post helpful. Hope you’ll enjoy using the Jade roller as much as I do. ~ Cat L.
Very interesting battle 😉 Never use this kind of roller but now I’m very intrigued and the jade one seems to be great to start 😘 Thanks for this detailed review and have a beautiful end of the week ! Kisses
Kédidja ~ beautymoodboard.com
Thank you, Kédidja . So glad you found the post helpful. I highly recommend checking out the jade roller! ~ Cat L.
I haven’t used facial rollers before. Thank you for such an informative post Cat! I will definitely look into getting the Jade roller! xo
These rollers are certainly different, and i’m sold at the thought that they are able to ease eye bags!!
I truly can’t do without my Jade Roller. Hope you get a chance to try it Linda! ~ Cat L.
This is such a helpful comparison Cat! I’ve been curious about the differences between the two myself so it’s good to know that the cheaper option actually works just as well, plus I think I could definitely use the smaller side for my eye area. Thank you for sharing!
Jenny | Geeky Posh
Great post Cat full of all fantastic and thorough information. I have indeed used facial rollers a lot, but more on clients when I worked as a facialist as the benefits are superb. It’s one of those things you either do or you don’t I feel but when you get into a routine it becomes familiar and easy. I don’t actually used them in my daily routine at the moment but of course I have done – but I still back the good that they do!
– Kelly xx
I just came across your blog and really love how detailed your post are.
This is so helpful!
I have a jade roller but mine makes a squeaking sound when I roll, so I was wondering if yours does that too?
Thanks for sharing the difference between the two, I love the way the rose one looks 🙂
Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words. I really appreciate it. As far as my Jade Roller, I don’t remember having any issues with it. The Rose Quartz roller however, did make a squeaky sound initially. I assumed it was the design and kept using it to loosen it up. Now I don’t hear that sound anymore and have used it for a few months. If this is a persistent problem, I would reach out to the vendor. Hope this helps. ~ Cat L.
Thanks for your quick reply! I will see if it goes away over time since I just got mine and haven’t used it that often.
If it doesn’t roll that well (my Rose Quartz roller didn’t initially), I would suggest avoid tugging at the skin by rolling it over the back of your hand a few times to loosen it up. Hope this makes sense. ~ Cat L.
I just purchased a Rose Quartz Roller the difference in price was only $10 I’ve always had Rose Quartz around my room and home and the stone naturally appeals to me.. do you think it will have the same effects? 🙂 I sure hope so.. I pan to eventually get one in Jade. Also, can you just use the roller alone without any product on a clean face?
The roller in general works to massage the facial muscles and tone up the skin. You can definitely use it on a clean face, if you so desire. Hope you enjoy your rose quartz roller as much as I do. ~ Cat L.
I am a doctoral student of Chinese medicine and on a trip to China with my school, I was interested in finding good quality jade. After a lot of research, I learned that real jade is hard to come by these days and usually entail going through a reliable government-owned shop.
According to this person’s post, jade rollers are marble that has been dyed. When compared, assuming that the rose quartz is genuine, the quartz is most likely the healthier option. Here’s the link: https://discipleskincare.com/journal/2017/5/17/the-truth-about-that-jade-roller
Thank you so much for sharing. Will definitely read the article you recommend. I really appreciate your comments. ~ Cat L.
this link appears to be broken or no longer works :/
Thank you for letting me know. I updated the link and it should work now. ~ Cat L.
I was given a jade roller as a 50th birthday present 12 years ago, used it a bit and then didn’t bother. Recently came across it again and thought I’d give it another whirl: I use it last thing at night lying in bed and find it very relaxing and calming. I have had plenty of compliments about how good my skin looks but best of all, it seems to help clear my sinuses.
I’m hoping to invest in a rose quartz roller soon.
I have been thinking about getting a jade roller for some time, and your post was both well-written and educational. Thank you for taking the time to share!
Great post. I love my Rose Quartz roller!
I always check with MWS before buying ANY skin care/make up and … I have been looking at the jade/rose quarts rollers for quite some time… and omg this post was just waiting for meeee T.T Love ittttt
Thank you for stopping by. So happy you’ve enjoyed the post and found it helpful. ~ Cat L.